legal disclaimer

Terms of Service

Grespania S.A., a company with registered business address at Ctra. Castellón-Alcora, Km. 2.2, Castellón, and with Spanish Tax Identity Number A-12017455, assumes no liability arising from the incorrect, inappropriate or illegal use of the information appearing on the websites of

To the extent permitted by law, Grespania S.A. assumes no liability should the data or information contained on its webpages be untrue, unreliable, out-of-date or inaccurate. The content and information on the webpages of are created by professionals duly qualified for the exercise of their profession. Nevertheless, Grespania S.A. is not bound by the contents and information, nor do these contents and information represent opinions, advice or legal guidance of any kind; this service offered is of a purely informative nature. The webpages may contain links to other third-party webpages over which Grespania S.A. exercises no control. Therefore, Grespania S.A. assumes no liability for the content that may appear on third-party webpages.

The text, images, animations, software and other content included on this website are the property of Grespania S.A. or its licensors. Any act of dissemination, distribution, transfer, reproduction, storage, or total or partial public communication requires the express consent of Grespania S.A.

In addition, in order to access some of the services that Grespania S.A. offers via its website, you must provide some personal data. Pursuant to Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Personal Data Protection, we inform you that your personal data collected by this form will be processed and stored in the files of Grespania S.A. in order to offer and provide you with our services and to inform you of improvements to the website. We also advise you that you have the right to access, modify, cancel or object to your personal data by contacting or Ctra. Castellón-Alcora, Km. 2.2 Castellon.

Processing of personal data.

By communicating with Grespania S.A. via email, which includes the use of the forms on this website or the e-mail link contained therein, you are giving your express consent for your personal data to be incorporated into files owned by Grespania S.A., registered at the following address: Ctra. Castellón-Alcora, Km. 2.2

Grespania S.A. assumes responsibility for handling this data in order to respond to enquiries, while the interested party maintains the right to access, amend, cancel or object to the personal data contained in said files, and may revoke their consent in writing at any time (Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Personal Data Protection).

Use of the website by minors

Minors are required to have the prior consent of their parents or guardians before submitting personal data via the forms on the website. Grespania S.A. disclaims any liability for breach of this requirement.

See Cookies Policy
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